I climbed a stone tower
to look at the reservoir
after a morning of false starts and diffidence
At the top
thick panes of unbreakable plastic
protected children from dropping toys
and lovers from becoming martyred fools
names and other words scratched into the surface
left small clear places
to peer through
at old mountains worn to nubs
by passing eons and ice
their roots far below the water's surface
hiding their true height
just as age and erosion had disguised
the enormity of their origins.
The wind is rising now
abrupt and resolute
to sweep away this early spring evening
I climbed a stone tower
to look at the reservoir
after a morning of false starts and diffidence
At the top
thick panes of unbreakable plastic
protected children from dropping toys
and lovers from becoming martyred fools
names and other words scratched into the surface
left small clear places
to peer through
at old mountains worn to nubs
by passing eons and ice
their roots far below the water's surface
hiding their true height
just as age and erosion had disguised
the enormity of their origins.
The wind is rising now
abrupt and resolute
to sweep away this early spring evening