We walked to the brook today
sat on too-small rocks
took off shoes and set
toes on cold water mosses
watched the pawprint shadows
of water striders
on fine gravel beds
picked caddis nymphs from submerged stone
admired their lodges
of feldspar and silk
dropped stiff brown oak leaves
into the stream
watched them spin and dive
and anchor against
the culvert.
We stared at blue eddies of foam
to make our eyesight drift
and laughed at the illusion.
We walked to the brook today
sat on too-small rocks
took off shoes and set
toes on cold water mosses
watched the pawprint shadows
of water striders
on fine gravel beds
picked caddis nymphs from submerged stone
admired their lodges
of feldspar and silk
dropped stiff brown oak leaves
into the stream
watched them spin and dive
and anchor against
the culvert.
We stared at blue eddies of foam
to make our eyesight drift
and laughed at the illusion.