Photo by Eric Araujo
You can scry with any tool. But colorful edible tools make the process more enjoyable. Scrying requires a certain state of mind. Relax the mind, make stuff up.
Scrying the Jelly Beans
Leftovers. Like tea leaves, only
colorful. Spiralled in rest.
Clear glass bowl,
dark wood below.
A pair of yellows and greens,
two pairs, squared off
as only beans will do.
The nearer opaque, the further translucent.
Though similar in affect,
expression is at odds.
Opaque what is close, and open the skylights to what is distant and safe.
Seven angry mottled beans all the same, three below, four above like storm clouds.
Pressing down, dividing from below.
No wonder the greens and yellows cling at the center point.
Colors push around them. They sprout each a single bean,
pure pink, pure white.
Puppy love and chastity. Not enough in the mix to matter.
Scrying the Jelly Beans
Leftovers. Like tea leaves, only
colorful. Spiralled in rest.
Clear glass bowl,
dark wood below.
A pair of yellows and greens,
two pairs, squared off
as only beans will do.
The nearer opaque, the further translucent.
Though similar in affect,
expression is at odds.
Opaque what is close, and open the skylights to what is distant and safe.
Seven angry mottled beans all the same, three below, four above like storm clouds.
Pressing down, dividing from below.
No wonder the greens and yellows cling at the center point.
Colors push around them. They sprout each a single bean,
pure pink, pure white.
Puppy love and chastity. Not enough in the mix to matter.