This will have me caught up through today! Muse handed me a free one.
when I finish a poem
even if it's shortened
or not finished
but has to be, for posting,
I clamp it tight to me:
holding it in order
protecting its meaning
visiting it again and again
whispering it in my mind
never vocalizing
never a sound
or percussion,
cuniform artifact
to no one but its maker.
I will never fix one
finish one
or return to one in any
like my sketches:
I will crave to return
change it
watch it change,
I will want
to alter poem and sketch alike,
but once named
each piece
is from then forward
when I finish a poem
even if it's shortened
or not finished
but has to be, for posting,
I clamp it tight to me:
holding it in order
protecting its meaning
visiting it again and again
whispering it in my mind
never vocalizing
never a sound
or percussion,
cuniform artifact
to no one but its maker.
I will never fix one
finish one
or return to one in any
like my sketches:
I will crave to return
change it
watch it change,
I will want
to alter poem and sketch alike,
but once named
each piece
is from then forward